Customized strain sensor tare capabilities for any application
due to the integration of the measuring amplifiers in the strain sensors, zero point adjustments are possible at any time
The frictional connection between the strain sensor and the machine component varies minimally from assembly to assembly. As a result, the zero point shifts slightly from installation to installation. For this reason, it is important to tare this zero point deviation after installing the strain transducers. Depending on the application, there are different strategies for taring the zero offset. In the following, the variants for zero point adjustment are described in dependencies of static and dynamic applications.
Dynamic applications describe recurring, rapid cycles of force. In cyclic applications, it is important that the zero point is tared at regular intervals to prevent drifting of the measurement signal due to temperature differences. For zero adjustment in cyclic applications we offer two different taring options. Both have a reset or tare control input on the sensor, which can be used to trigger the zero point adjustment conveniently via the controller. Since the zero point adjustment in dynamic applications takes place periodically during the zero point run of a machine, we refer to this as process tare. The process tare can be triggered via the control system using a sensor input. If the reset or tare control input is pulled to >10 V or <3 V, depending on the logic, the sensor signal is set to zero and the zero point adjustment has been performed. Zero adjustment on these strain sensors is accomplished by a digital zero adjustment mechanism in which the zero correction is permanently stored during operation. Thus, a non-volatile, stable process tare is available independent of cycle times. The time span between the individual taring processes can be freely selected. It should be noted, however, that the zero point must be taught in again in the event of a power interruption. This zero adjustment is suitable for all dynamic applications. They can be used universally in all applications that require a periodic zero reset.
Static measurements describe slowly progressing force changes, such as in monitoring of structures, plants or in weight measurement. In contrast to dynamic applications, zero point adjustment only has to be performed once after installation. Therefore, these applications are also referred to as an installation tare. The installation tare can be triggered via the controller. If the reset input is pulled to >10 V, the signal is set to zero (reset) and the zero point adjustment has been performed. If, on the other hand, the reset input is open, the sensor is in measuring mode. Due to this mechanism, the zero point adjustment can be taught in comfortably via the control unit after mounting. The zero point adjustment of these strain sensors is done by a digital zero point adjustment mechanism. The zero point setting is permanently stored, i.e. the zero point correction is available again even after switching off. Thus, a permanently available installation tare is available. Therefore, these strain sensors are suitable for all static applications. The number of taring operations is limited to 100,000 versions.